Thursday, 28 June 2018

25th June 2018 Dear Parents/Caregivers

The Tread Lightly Caravan (TLC) has been booked to visit us over two weeks in Term 3,
Wednesday 25th July to Wednesday 1st August. The Tread Lightly Caravan (TLC) is
Auckland’s only mobile environmental classroom that visits primary and intermediate
schools in the Auckland region. The TLC shows students how everyday choices
(what we buy, how we travel, what we eat, how we use energy in our homes) can make
a huge difference to our natural environment. The TLC is filled with fun and interactive
displays and exhibits, designed to graphically demonstrate the environmental consequences
of our everyday lifestyle choices. Since the TLC became operational in December 2010,
the caravan has visited over 130 schools and more than 23,000 school children have
experienced the TLC programme All students will participate in a session, facilitated by
our qualified teacher and assistant, participating in different interactive and hands-on
activities in the Caravan. The Tread Lightly Caravan is proudly supported in 2018 by
Foundation North, with added support from Auckland Council Local Boards, Asaleo Care,
Packaging Forum, Auckland Airport and Lion Foundation, Auckland Towing and Benefitz.

Visit or,
or email if you would like further information.

To allow this student learning to take place, we require five parent helpers for each
room to be assistants on the activity stations during the time that classes are there.
You will be given full instruction on the day by the lead teacher.
If you are able to be involved please fill out the form below and return to your child’s
teacher. The cost of the visit is $5.00 per child. This has been added to your child/
children’s KINDO account. Thank you to those families that have already gone onto their
account and paid for this in advance. To check that you have made a payment, you go onto
your Kindo account and under ‘Orders’ it lists all that you have paid for, also if it doesn’t
appear on your account you can assume that you have already paid.

Kind Regards
Senior School Teachers

Yes I can help on:- Please circle
Name: _________________________
Contact No: _____________________-

Friday Rm 7 9-10.30am

1 comment:

  1. I certainly hope that we can get parental support to make this learning experience really valuable
