Friday, 22 June 2018


Last week, it was week 7 and…. ARTS WEEK! In week 7 we did multiple
things that got to do with art. This included, Dance, Drama, Music and
Visual Arts. We had an art rotation where the year 6 teachers covered an
area of art and each class would do fun activities with that specific teacher.

Mrs Swan and Mrs Cometti did Dance whilst Mr Mac and Mrs Lewis
covered Drama. Each teacher did different activities with us, children.

Mrs Swan did Sport related 8 beat dances, by making sport actions into
dance movements.
Mrs Cometti taught how to make a verb/noun into a dance movement.
She also taught us not to touch other people whilst dancing. We learned
this by playing a fun game called ‘City Square.’
With Mr Mac we played Family Portraits and made short plays to share
with the class.
Mrs Lewis’s activities included, how to act like an object, A fun short
little red riding hood play and making funny advertisements and
performing them in front of the class.
And to make it even better, on Friday we had mufti day. We could dress up
as anyone who had something to do with art. People dressed up as the
Mona Lisa, Painters, Mimes, Dancers, Fashion Designers and more!
Mrs Swan dressed up as her favourite singer named Madonna.
Overall, Room 7 absolutely enjoyed arts week. We can’t wait for the
art exhibition coming up! We will be presenting…. Wonderful Wired Critters………………

From the best class in the school ! :)

BY: Karthiga + Jasmine


  1. ARTS week is always a favourite for me! I hope to see some of your creations published on this blog! Your wire creatures were amazing and when I walked past your class during the week, I could see lots of creative avenues being explored.

  2. wow
    your art is stunning
    i love the colours you used it makes it really POP!

  3. Wow! You guys did so much amazing activities. Your rotations sounded fun, I would have wanted to go with Mrs Cometti doing the verb/noun dance movements. My favourite day of arts week was dressing up, I was an artist.
